A New Dawn at Tonsley

21 June 2024

A new dawn at Tonsley

Junction will build a new $36 million development in the heart of Tonsley’s Innovation District, providing much-needed new homes for South Australians.

The project, which will see 50 apartments developed as part of its first stage, has been supported with a $15.2 million injection from the Federal Government’s Social Housing Accelerator Program (SHAP), delivered in partnership with the State Government and Community Housing Providers.

A new Junction community and service centre will also be built onsite boosting support for residents and the local community.

“We know that, to live a good life, you need safe and secure housing – it’s the springboard for everything else,” Junction CEO Maria Palumbo said. “And that housing needs to be within vibrant communities where people are close to transport, education and services….places where they want to live and are proud to be part of.”

“This development will enable South Australians of different ages - who are at different stages in their lives - to access secure and affordable housing alongside support services within in a connected community.”

Ms Palumbo said SHAP funding ensured the delivery of the Tonsley project “true to vision”.

With large community spaces, a co-working area, community cafe and a bike hub, the development is designed to connect and empower community.

The apartments, varying in size and style, will all be built to 7.5 stars under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) – with high-quality, low-maintenance features and thoughtful layouts, including large, private open balconies to maximise views and natural light.

As part of a second stage of the project, Junction is planning to develop an additional 63 affordable apartments within an eight-storey building on the same site.

“This development will significantly increase activity at Tonsley,” Ms Palumbo said.

“It will contribute to local businesses and drive economic activity within an emerging precinct, while, also, addressing the needs of South Australians in housing stress.

“What we are embarking on here is innovative in its approach and has the power to positively impact the lives of people and this precinct for generations to come.”

Ms Palumbo said Junction’s Tonsley project is included in an impressive pipeline for the organisation which will see it deliver up to 2000 new social, affordable and market homes over the next five to seven years.

“This partnership between Federal and State Governments and Community Housing Providers is critically important to addressing the housing crisis in SA and across the country,” Ms Palumbo said.

Established in 1979, Junction provides housing and support to more than 10,000 South Australians each year.

Media Contact: For more information contact Danielle Gordon on 0401 696 853.

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Back on Track

13 June 2024


At 63 years old, David from Oaklands Park is a quiet but positive advocate for mental health – with his hobbies, and the connections he has formed through them, playing a key part in ‘keeping him going’ through a difficult period in his life.

In 2019, David lost his wife. During this time, David found solace in his many interests – one of these being regular walks with the Oaklands Park Walking Group.

“When my wife passed in 2019, I made sure I had a broad range of interests that stopped me from going completely to pieces,” he said. “The walking group was a good way to exercise and meet some people closer to home.”

He believes that it is important not to isolate yourself during difficult times, even if you may want to, and to find activities you enjoy doing.

“I think if you’re feeling lonely, or like you need to do a bit more activity – it’s a good idea to reach out and join a group of some kind."

“Even if it doesn’t work out long term it’s still a good starting point,” David said.

Alongside the walking group, David is also a member of several model train clubs – another great passion of his.

“Building a model from scratch makes me zone out a bit, you have to use your imagination and really think about how to make the scenes, that’s why it’s good for my brain and keeps me busy,” he said.

“Through the model train clubs, I have met a lot of people and made solid friendship circles that feel like family now and they really support me.”

David attributes his resilience to the support networks he has built through his interests.

 “The pandemic came along only 6 months after my wife passed, and shortly after that I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, so that really compounded my misery, because I couldn’t go to the model train shows and my mind really suffered,” he said. “I made it through by the support of the people around me.”

Now, 5 years on, David is still an active participant in these groups – and he plans to continue well into the future.

“I will continue to be a part of these different groups in my future. I really like participating in them all and it makes me feel good.”

Men’s Health Week (10-16 June) is celebrated every year around the world. It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health and men’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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Painting a New Path

17 April 2024


For 23-year-old artist Keahnee, the choice between pursuing her passions, or affording rent was once her harsh reality – something she believes other young people like her also experience.

For years, Keahnee’s daily dilemma meant she never had the mental space, or opportunity, to consider her future. However, after finding housing through Junction, she has managed to bring her artistic vision to life.

“I was on the verge of homelessness once again. I didn’t have anywhere stable to live and this meant I couldn’t work towards my own goals,” Keahnee said.

“I was either able to work on my art and not have somewhere stable to live, or I could have a home and barely afford the rent, which meant I worked 2 jobs, often 9 days straight.”

At the time, Keahnee was living in a youth accommodation shelter. Through their recommendations, and with support from The Foundry by SYC, she connected with Junction. After settling in to her home last year, she reflected on how stable housing has changed her life’s trajectory.

“I feel like I have a balance of structure and flexibility in my life now, and I can work towards my goals. I finally have balance and I now have a middle ground between where I used to be and where I’m going with Junction which is nice,” she said.

Keahnee believes there are many other young people like herself, who may find themselves in a similar situation.

“As a young person, if we work and pay normal rent, we can’t afford to eat. There are so many independent young people with heaps of skills that just need somewhere to base themselves."

“You have people that maybe can afford the rentals, but most young people just can’t which leaves us in this gap that is really hard to get out of.”

Now free from housing stress, Keahnee has dedicated herself fully to her art – and has seen great success.

“I was part of an art feature for Wardli Youth Centre, I sold a painting last year in the SALA exhibition and I have since worked with the City of Onkaparinga running art workshops. I’m also going to do a sequel of the painting that I sold,” Keahnee said.

Keahnee believes her art is also a great way to share her own story.

“My art tells my story. I love the attention to detail with art, the idea of starting blank and building something up, I see myself in that.”

She hopes to continue bringing joy to those around her with her work.

“I hope to just continue with how I’m going now with my housing and my art – I want to see my art everywhere in my new community and just know it brings people joy.”

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Connecting to Culture from the Ground Up

29 February 2024


Planting ‘seeds’ to create common ground, is the foundation for a program forging connections between families, the environment and culture.

Little Mother Earth Caretakers, run through Junction’s Hackham Community Centre, is giving parents, carers, and children from all walks of life the chance to learn about, and explore, First Nations culture and natural resources.

Delivered by local business consultants Spirit and Unity, around 28 people have been attending the Spirit and Unity owners Maureen and Naomi believe the recent referendum and opposing views in relation to Australia Day, created opportunities to “learn from each other”

“We both understand where Australia is sitting and that makes it so important to find what binds us, rather than another division."

“The earth is everyone’s common ground,” said Maureen.

Little Mother Earth Caretakers harnesses singing, dancing, music, storytelling, painting, drawing and nature play. All materials used during the group “are straight from the earth” or recycled.

Hackham Community Centre team leader Tammy Elvin said community response to the program had been overwhelming.

“It’s really beautiful to see so many of our regular playgroup families and others who are new to our Centre, expressing interest and engaging with this program and each other,” Tammy said.

“This includes several parents and carers of Aboriginal children, who are keen to ensure they, and their kids, are able to connect or reconnect with culture, in a safe and relaxed way.”

Spirit in Unity have delivered programs at children centres, schools and school holiday programs, and a range of events drawing on their personal lived experience, research, and qualifications.

“We, one hundred per cent, know that understanding your culture – no matter what that is – is at the heart of your identity and valuing yourself in the world around you,” Naomi said. “It can really steer your whole life trajectory, your outcomes, your peace, and happiness.”

Lauren, who attends the program with her daughter Betty, 19 months, said the program was “different to other playgroups”.

“It’s very special,” Lauren said.

“I think it’s important to teach connection to culture from a young age because then it becomes a part of who they are. They are then more inclusive adults, and they can own the story of the land in a way that my generation wasn’t taught to.”

Little Mother Earth Caretakers is held each Friday during term from 9:30am until 10:30am at the Hackham Community Centre, 72 Collins Parade, Hackham. For more information, or to attend the program, ring 8392 3080.

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Fostering Opportunity

16 February 2024


Meet a heart-warming family comprising Marie, Tony, two adult daughters, and a little girl who has found a permanent place in their home and hearts. We sat down with this extraordinary family to learn about their journey as foster carers.

For Marie, the lifechanging decision to become a foster carer was born out of lived experience.

As a teenager, she was largely raised by her grandparents – something Marie is eternally grateful for.

“I didn’t have the best circumstances when I was growing up, but my grandparents stepped up around my teenage years, and now I am who I am because of them,” she said. “I wanted to be that person for someone else. I felt like it was time to give that opportunity to someone else, to give back.”

Marie’s husband, Tony, agreed.

“It wasn’t part of our big grand plan, but I thought we should give it a go after Marie suggested it,” he said. “Our two daughters have grown up now and they’re off doing their own thing, so it seemed like the right time.”

To embark on their fostering journey, the family connected with Junction.

“We initially had an unsuccessful attempt at fostering where it wasn’t the right fit. It wasn’t long after that we received a call from Junction who suggested we take on a different child. They said, ‘we’ve got a little girl for you to meet.’ Of course, we did. That was it, we fell in love with K. That was three years ago.’

Prior to joining the family ‘K’ had been in a short-term foster placement.

“She was 17 months old at the time, and from the moment I met her onwards I would go to the other foster home every night after work so I could get to know her. I learned about her routines, got her used to me, bathed her, fed her, and put her to bed.”

Tony said most people were curious when he told them about his family’s role as foster carers.

“The response was usually really positive,” he said. “People would relate to it with their own stories, and some would say that they would like to do it one day too.”

“My hopes for her future are just that she is happy. She always asks me if she can be this or that, and I tell her she can be anything she wants to be.”

While becoming a foster parent presents unique challenges, the family were prepared through the pre-requisite ‘Shared Lives’ pre-assessment training as well as Junction’s specialised Trauma Training for foster carers. “Parenting a child who has experienced trauma is different,” Tony said. “Different things affect her behaviour compared to what our daughters were like at the same age. We did some training on this through Junction before we became foster carers, so we knew what to expect and how to handle it.”

Importantly, K maintains a connection with her biological mother, facilitated by Marie and Tony, through monthly catch ups. “It’s important for her to have a connection with her birth Mum. It’s where she came from, and we will always make the effort to ensure that relationship exists. She understands that she has two Mums, and she enjoys seeing her in the visits. K really benefits from it.”

Recently, Tony and Marie became the legal guardians of K, completing their experience with Junction’s family-based care program.

“Applying for guardianship meant hours of interviews with social workers for both us and our daughters, as well as providing personal and professional referees,” Marie said. “The last step was to go to court, which was in January this year. We found out on the day that it was all approved, and we were so happy.”

“I explained to K that it means she can stay with us forever, and she was so excited. She received a special certificate which she took to childcare to show everyone.

“My hopes for her future are just that she is happy. She always asks me if she can be this or that, and I tell her she can be anything she wants to be.”

Tony added: “She is a part of this family, there is no doubt. We will give her all the opportunities and guidance that we can, just like we did for our now adult daughters. The world is her oyster.”

As of February 2024, Junction supports 56 foster carers, who provide love and support to 53 children across 41 families and households.

Have you considered becoming a foster carer? Learn more by visiting

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Tiny Homes Campus

4 January 2024

Tiny Homes Campus

Junction is delivering a bespoke and innovative housing project to support young South Australians.

The organisation is creating a unique “Tiny Homes” campus as part of a community approach to helping young people successfully transition out of the care system.

The Tiny Homes campus will be a collection of 10 new self-contained compact homes set amongst open green space with communal areas for learning and connecting.

The transportable homes, custom-built off-site, are approximately 17sqm in size and feature modular, built-in furniture and storage, a work/study station and a kitchen. Each will also have large windows for natural light and mini-deck areas.

The homes will be made available to 10 young people, aged between 16-18 who are leaving out-of-home care and don’t have family support networks.

The Tiny Homes campus will be staffed by Junction professionals who will provide support and run life-skills programs.

Located on a current vacant parcel of land south of Adelaide, the campus will be close to key education sites including TAFE and Flinders University.

“With the Tiny Homes campus we aim to help young people live independently – but with support – so they can learn to thrive as part of a community and connect to culture,” Junction Chief Executive Officer Maria Palumbo said.

"Young people ultimately want to belong and feel safe as well as have the freedom to learn and grow."

“We hope that the life skills they develop on campus will assist them as they prepare to later move into more permanent long-term housing and help transition to a successful adulthood.”

Ms Palumbo said children leaving care are more likely to experience homelessness and complex health issues.

“They need care and support to help them succeed into adulthood,” she said.

“Right now, there are very few options for young people exiting care. Through the Tiny Homes campus, we are offering an opportunity to live in a safe and supportive environment and pursue study or employment to set themselves up for the future.

“Tiny Homes has the potential to make a big positive impact on the lives of many.”

Junction is a social enterprise supporting around 10,000 South Australians each year through housing and community services.


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Christmas with Mrs Claus

18 December 2023


Nestled in the heart of Santaland in the Myer Centre on the second floor, Helen has been spreading festive cheer and joy as ‘Mrs. Claus’ for the better part of 20 years.

Having first donned the iconic red and white attire in 2004, she had spent almost two decades bringing a smile to the faces of children and adults alike.

For Helen, her role is far more than just wearing a costume – it is about creating a magical experience for all who visit.

“I love to see so many lovely children smiling at me. I also love to help the parents by reminding the children that being on their best behaviour puts them on Santa’s nice list,” Helen said.

Having discovered a passion for performing during her time at Flinders university, Helen has been a model, actress, and performer which gave her the experience needed to embrace the role of Mrs. Claus fully.

"I love to see so many lovely children smiling at me. I also love to help the parents by reminding the children that being on their best behaviour puts them on Santa's nice list."

As Mrs. Claus, Helen plays an important role in calming the nerves of excited children in the line up before they meet Santa.

Helen reads stories like “Three Billy Goat Gruff” and “Three Little Pigs” to the children while reminding them of the importance of good behaviour to secure their spot-on Santa’s good list.

At 74 years young, Helen continues to play her role as Mrs. Claus with enthusiasm. She does it for the pure love of making people smile.

“The adults are appreciative, and the children love it. It’s a win-win for everyone,” Helen said.

As Christmas approaches each year, Helen stands ready to spread joy and warmth. Her dedication to Mrs. Claus has touched many hearts, making her an integral part of the Santaland display made possible by Tony and Ros from Essential Talent, who supply the jobs and the costume.

Helen reminds us all to believe in the magic of the season and cherish the joy of giving and sharing with our friends and family.

“I hope I can continue to do this for years to come,” she said.

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Year in Review 22/23

30 November 2023

Road to Impact Year in Review 22/23

We are pleased to present our Road to Impact – Year in Review 2022/23.

The idea of creating long-term positive change for those we work with, and the communities we work in, forms the very heart of Junction’s purpose.

Our ethos is built on the idea of self-determination – giving South Australians the Freedom to Thrive.

Indeed, defining, capturing, and measuring this is no easy task. However, impact – and being able to articulate how we achieve it – is vital to understanding whether what we are doing is improving the lives of those we work with.

Over the past 12 months, we have made great strides in understanding our impact. Born from the foundations of Theories of Change; the organisation is now primed for next steps – with the development of fundamental documents to provide clear direction and guide us along our road to impact.

This report continues to build on our evolution from an Annual Report focused on outputs to an Impact Report demonstrating outcomes as they align to our strategy and within the broader social and political environment.

We have already taken strides along this road to impact. In the coming year we look forward to understanding how we can better help people not just survive, but thrive in life.

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The Heart of Caring

20 October 2023


Anyone can become a carer, at any time. Ryan, who cares for his nephew who has specific needs, believes this whole-heartedly.

For Ryan, who lives in a Junction home in Prospect, caregiving is about compassion and lightening burdens.

Ryan explains that he finds fulfillment in making a positive impact on others’ lives.

“There’s a broad spectrum of carers, just as there are of people with different needs. Some carers focus on helping a single individual, while others provide a network of support to multiple people,” Ryan said.

“Being a carer means understanding and empathizing with the fact that everyone has something they’re struggling with, either big or small."

“We all have strengths and weaknesses,” he said.

Ryan believes that the benefits of caring go both ways.

“One thing I think those in need of special care really do for others, is requiring us to do our utmost to help them. This, in turn, helps us mature as people,” he said.

While fulfilling, Ryan also acknowledges that caring can be mentally taxing at times.

“While worthwhile, there are most certainly challenges to being a carer. Since the person you’re supporting may have trouble maintaining their dynamic in their day-to-day.”

Outside of his care responsibilities, Ryan believes that even the smallest actions, like offering well-wishes to a neighbour in need, can help.

“Simple acts of kindness, like a friendly greeting, can have a meaningful and positive impact,” he said.

He is adamant that being aware of other’s burdens and lightening them where possible, is something everyone should do.

“It is a role that we all should be a part of, even if it’s only in a very small way in someone else’s life.”

Carers week (15-21 October) celebrates the 2.65 million Australians who provide care and support to a family member or friend.

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Buddies for Life

10 October 2023


Sometimes, the unlikeliest of circumstances have the largest impact. Such was the case for Kristian and his dog Buddy, from Mitchell Park.

At just 17, Kristian experienced the loss of his beloved Pop – the person he respected most. With the added weight of childhood trauma, mental illness and a minimal support network, Kristian turned to drugs as a way of seeking connection and masking the pain.

“I used drugs as a way to hide from trauma,” Kristian said. “My family turned their backs on me when I started using. There was no confrontation, they just walked out. I guess I punished myself where they didn’t.”

Battling with his addiction for almost 2 decades, Kristian experienced ongoing homelessness, unemployment, paranoia, schizophrenic episodes, and spent time in and out of jail.

“My mental health deteriorated pretty badly,” he said. “Years later, I was barely with it. I was seeing and hearing things that weren’t really there.”

It wasn’t until Kristian rescued his dog Buddy, a 6-month-old deaf heeler-cross, that things started to turn around.

Ultimately, it was the risk of losing his new best friend to his ongoing struggles with homelessness and mental health, which motivated Kristian to turn it all around.

“They told me I’d have to give my dog up because I couldn’t look after him. I just sat there in tears,” he said. “That was the moment I decided I’m getting off drugs now.”

After hitchhiking from Millicent to Adelaide, Kristian enlisted the support of Safe Pets Safe Families, who crowdfunded enough money to pay for a motel, before linking him in with Junction.

6-months into his sobriety journey, Kristian found his mental health improving.

He no longer needed or wanted drugs, but he knew it was an ongoing battle.

Now, almost 5 years after rescuing Buddy, Kristian has settled into a new home and has made new connections through local groups.

Previously a skilled labourer, factory worker and crane operator, he also continued advancing his skills through training opportunities, and found part-time work as a gardener.

“I enjoy being outside and doing the hard work. It’s satisfying when you build and maintain things and get to see the results,” he said.

He also started training as a public speaker, peer counsellor and advocate for those with similar experiences – the work he is most proud of.

“Now that I have built myself a foundation, I keep getting more opportunities to use my voice as an advocate. I have been interviewed for newspapers, spoken on the radio and podcasts, and I am going to be speaking at the AAIC (Australian Anti-Ice Campaign) training in Queensland later this year.”

“It’s been an amazing journey. Some days it’s hard but I will never go back.”

October is Mental Health Awareness Month

For support:

Call 13 11 14 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Text 0477 13 11 14 (6pm to midnight AEDT, 7 nights a week)

Beyond Blue
Call 1300 22 4636
Visit beyondblue.org.au

Suicide Call Back Service
Call 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
Call 1800 55 1800
Visit kidshelpline.com.au

MensLine Australia
Call 1300 789 978

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