Slide Your say We welcome feedback and comments
about our services and conduct

How to have your say

Use the below methods to either:
  • Provide us with your feedback, compliments or complaints or appeal a housing-related decision, or
  • Send an Appeals Form relating to a housing-related decision made by Junction using the following methods:
To find out more about our feedback and complaints process, read our Feedback and Complaints Policy.


At the Junction head office



In person at our offices



By post addressed to Junction



Send us an email at



Using the online Feedback Register

Whistleblower Policy

Sometimes individuals making a report may be concerned about being identified, or any potential repercussions that may come from speaking up. Our Whistleblower Policy is designed to encourage and support individuals to report issues, knowing that it is safe to do so. The Whistleblower Policy provides protections to people making reports under the policy. Our Whistleblower Policy defines what type of conduct can be reported. This includes actions which are:
  • Dishonest
  • Fraudulent
  • Corrupt
  • Illegal
  • Unethical
  • Breaches policies or procedures, including safety at work
  • Potentially damaging to Junction, a worker or third party, such as unsafe work practices, environmental damage, health risks or abuse of Junction’s property or resources
  • Involves any other kind of misconduct or an improper state of affairs or circumstances
Junction has Whistleblower Protection Officers, whose role is to oversee the protection and wellbeing of whistleblowers.

How do individuals get in touch?

There are a number of ways our people and others associated with Junction can report any concerns about conduct they believe doesn’t feel right. These include:
  • Our people having a conversation with their Manager;
  • Speaking with an Executive Team member, Junction Board Director or identified Whistleblower Protection Officer if they wish to report concerns under the Whistleblower Policy. This can be done by speaking in person, by phone or via email.
  • Contacting the Speak Up Online Service if they are uncomfortable or not able to go through internal channels, would like to report anonymously, or make a report under Junction’s Whistleblower Policy.
  • To make an anonymous compliant using this independent service please use the following information:
    Use the Unique Key: Junction2020
    Use Client Reference Number: tvtj4

For more information

Download our Appeals Form
For more general information, read through our ‘Working Together’ and ‘We’re listening’ flyers.
For more information surrounding our appeals process (which includes information about what constitutes an appealable decision, how we will handle your appeal and what you can do if you are not satisfied with our decision on appeal) please read our Housing Appeals Information Brochure.