Violence Services

If you are in immediate danger call 000.

Services include:

  • Support with safety planning
  • Support to engage with police and legal services
  • Exploring financial assistance options
  • Referrals to Domestic and Family Violence specific services
    e.g. counselling & legal services
  • Support to stay safely in your home
  • Exploring housing and accommodation options
  • Culturally specific support for First Nations and non-English speaking people
  • Referrals to other service providers and community organisations
We support people experiencing domestic and family violence across the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island.


Kangaroo Island

Phone 8553 2877 or 0408 384 920 or visit our Community Centre at 16 Telegraph Road, Kingscote.

If you do not live on the Fleurieu Peninsula or Kangaroo Island and need assistance, Please see our other resources below

Other Resources