Reconciliation action plan
We recognise Aboriginal people as our nation’s first people.
We also know Aboriginal people continue to be over-represented in the proportion of South Australians seeking homelessness and housing services.
We believe these outcomes result from factors including the lasting impacts of colonisation, traumas suffered through the stolen generation as well as family violence, unemployment, low education levels and poor health.
This recognition underpins our commitment to self-determination for individuals, families and communities and the delivery of culturally appropriate support and services.
Since 2018, our journey toward reconciliation has been guided by, and measured through, our Reconciliation Action Plan.
The Plan is an evolving initiative aligned to Reconciliation Australia’s framework to help organisations support the national reconciliation movement.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan Working Groups
A sustainable environment is key to a thriving community
Environmental sustainability
We promote environmental sustainability through a range of avenues including:
Recognising the significant impact of the urban ‘heat island’ effect, our new builds comply with a rigorous process to ensure housing is not being designed as ‘heat boxes’ requiring excessive amounts of artificial heating and cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature. Like many environmental initiatives, this also has huge benefits for the hip-pockets of people in our housing – many who struggle with the rising cost of utilities.
Our procurement process considers environmental sustainability and we aim to cool the urban environment with plantings wherever possible in our developments.