23 August 2022
Getting Back and Giving Back

Anne in her garden.
Almost two years after her initial diagnosis, Anne is re-gaining strength, getting back to her hobbies and even giving back, where she can.
In late 2020, Anne was diagnosed with bowel cancer – picked up during an unrelated surgery. That November, Anne underwent surgery to remove the tumor and parts of her colon before starting chemotherapy at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
The three-month process had quite an impact on Anne’s health.
“I wasn’t expecting it to be that intense” said Anne, “It has a high impact with big side effects.”
Anne is now entering a five-year surveillance period which consists of regular blood tests, CT scans and colonoscopies to look for cancer markers.
“They don’t really call it remission because it can potentially come back at any time, but more likely during the five years,” she explained.
Around the same time, both of Anne’s siblings received a cancer diagnosis and her brother passed away from the disease shortly after.
During such a difficult time, Anne credits the work of her medical team at the QEH – especially the oncologists who she was able to call for support at any time. But she would not have been able to do it without the love and support of her two children.
“I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without them.”
Keeping in touch with loved-ones kept Anne going through her treatment and recovery. As she continues to regain her strength, Anne is looking forward to dining out at restaurants and getting back out into nature and the community. She also has since become a volunteer with the Cancer Council.